Sellesta is verified by Amazon as a trusted developer
Get data driven insights to scale your Amazon business
Stay ahead of the game by effortlessly tracking, analyzing, and maximizing your brand's online key performance indicators in a snap
Large clients and agencies
We’ve analyzed 300m listings and track 1m+ keywords every day
We spoke to 100+ Amazon Marketing Agencies and individual sellers in the USA, UK, Canada, and the Middle East
…All of that to learn & craft a solution tailored for the needs of Large clients and Amazon Agencies.
An enterprise-grade solution to power sustainable growth for Amazon business
Smart scoring
Go beyond the industry standard listing scoring and benefit from actionable insights from subcategory analysis.
The only smart scoring on the market that gives insights how to improve a listing
First ever scoring of title and bullets quality vs category
Comparison of conversion to sale
10+ factors that influence sales make it easy to find optimization gaps with your competitors
Competitor analysis
Define your winning strategy using granular market data on your competition (sales, revenue, pricing, market share)
Track your direct competitor sales and revenue on a weekly/monthly basis with reports
Analyze concentration of sellers in Amazon categories to find the winning spots
Don’t miss when a new competitor starts growing and puts your BSR at risk
Brand review insights
See your brandmap through the eyes of customers as they write reviews
Identify brand optimization gaps with your competitors
Explore negative reviews of both your brand and your competition to improve your products
Bulk listing generation
If you’re tired of creating listings from scratch, streamline and scale your work with Sellesta!
Generate hundreds of listings in a matter of hours.
Upload your keyword bank and we’ll generate all the titles and bullets with an estimate of their quality vs category
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49, Yerevan, Armenia
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington,
DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49,
Yerevan, Armenia
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