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Get optimization recommendations by pasting an Amazon listing URL below...
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Daily Keyword Searches
Listings Analyzed
Keyword Database
Increase your Amazon sales
Single Platform, Multiple Capabilities
Keyword Research
Organic rank and number of competing products
Importance for organic rank
Search volume and relevance
Find the most important keywords for a listing and see their:
Listing Optimization
Generic keywords
Bullet points
Listing title
Maximize organic traffic to your listings and get more sales. Use our AI-driven listing optimizer to improve or generate based on keywords:
Listing Scoring
Estimate your competitors' listings
Estimate your own listing
Get an optimization checklist that estimates the main aspects of your listing: product title, product description, images, review count, etc.
Review Analysis
Sentiment of keytags
Learn what customers really think. Find insights via our tool that can analyze and structure:
Unlock the Power of Amazon Analytics: Skyrocket Your Sales Instantly with Our Proven Analytics Tools
Stay Ahead of the Game by Effortlessly Tracking, Analyzing, and Maximizing Your Brand's Online Key Performance Indicators in a Snap
Optimize your listing with AI-powered technology in the blink of an eye
Our clients see results
3 reasons
Upvotes on the Product hunt on the launch day
Increase in the speed of keyword research
Average increase in the organic visibility of listings
Stories of our clients
What our customers say
3 of 3
Madeline Moore
Sellesta is a massive, massive time-saver. I think I optimized 20 or 30 ASIN very quickly, in no time at all.
It was very convenient to see new keyword phrases that I hadn't used in the listings and focus on adding the new ones.
Sellesta is
New York
Hailey Clark
I would definitely recommend. We used review analysis to create ad banners that focus on what customers really value in our products. It was also greate to analyze what exactly customers like or dislike in our competitng products
Kevin Green
I was stuck with tedious management of 200+ listings, manually switching between existing keyword tools and seller central, searching for selling keywords with lower competitive pressure, etc. Once I started working with, greater part of manual work was done since I could use AI to optimize my listings regularly
Best app!
1 of 3
New York
Madeline Moore
Sellesta is a massive, massive time-saver. I think I optimized 20 or 30 ASIN very quickly, in no time at all.
It was very convenient to see new keyword phrases that I hadn't used in the listings and focus on adding the new ones.
Sellesta is
2 of 3
Crazy Town
Hailey Clark
I would definitely recommend. We used review analysis to create ad banners that focus on what customers really value in our products. It was also greate to analyze what exactly customers like or dislike in our competitng products
3 of 3
Kevin Green
I was stuck with tedious management of 200+ listings, manually switching between existing keyword tools and seller central, searching for selling keywords with lower competitive pressure, etc. Once I started working with, greater part of manual work was done since I could use AI to optimize my listings regularly
Best app!
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No credit card required
Analysis of 1 product
Keyword research
Review analysis
Everything you need to optimize your store's listings for the price of one cup of coffee
/ month
Extended limits and additional automation for professionals
Everything in Free, plus:
25 daily keyword searches
Everything in Basic, plus:
Import products from Amazon in one click
Umlimited keyword searches
Listing optimization tool
5 product optimizations
Umlimited product optimizations
/ month
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Unlimited publishing to Amazon

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Listing optimization tool
Review analysis
Keyword research
Analysis of 1 product
No credit card required
Contains everything to make your office flexible and efficient
Everything in Basic and additional integration options
/ month
Everything in the Free, plus:
25 daily keyword searches
Import products from Amazon in one click
5 product optimizations
Cancel any time
Extended limits and additional automation for professionals
Everything in the Basic, plus:
Umlimited keyword searches
Umlimited product optimizations
/ month
By proceeding, you agree to Sellesta’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Unlimited publishing to Amazon
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1209 N Orange St, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49, Yerevan, Armenia
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington,
DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49,
Yerevan, Armenia
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