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11:00 AM (CST)
Sep 22, 2022
Webinar: Minimize Amazon Fees and Boost Profit

Find great keywords

for Amazon listings
Paste an ASIN or a product link to upgrade
your listing with top keywords
or try out how all works with a demo product
How it works

Find top keywords
We’ll analyze your or any other listing and will show the most relevant keywords. With our AI you can enrich your product description and generate more sales.

Optimize your listings
Our AI will provide suggestions on how to change the listing title, bullets and generic keywords to get the best organic rank.

Publish updated listing on Amazon
Authorize your Amazon account and apply all changes with one click

Clients talk about Keywords Optimization
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100+ listings
Everything in PRO plus:

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Custom reports
Determined individually
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How do you make a listing that sells?
Focus on:
  • SEO-driven keywords. These will rank your listing higher for potential buyers, so make sure the product title and description include them.
  • Engaging visuals. Use multiple high-resolution photos, 3D models, and AR technology to give customers different angles and contexts.
  • Detailed but clear product descriptions. Highlight the benefits your customers care most about with bullet points and key information highlighted.
How to optimize your Amazon keyword strategy?
Keyword strategy is everything. Here are a few tips to improve yours:
Enter words and phrases in the Amazon search bar to see what users are looking for.
Explore Amazon-specific keyword tools to look up and enrich your keywords.
Only use relevant, non-subjective (like “best-seller” or “amazing”) keywords. Integrate them into your product description.
Stay on top of your competitors and monitor keyword performance with
How does Sellesta work with a product listing? analyzes your product listings and suggests automatic improvements to the keyword strategy, product descriptions, and images. You can also analyze customer reviews (your own and your competitors) to identify which elements of the customer journey need to be upgraded.
Try now
Then we will ask you to create an account.
After that you will get top keywords and will be able to rewrite your listing content.
or try out how it all works with a demo product
We want to make friends with our clients, so we are happy to answer your questions.
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington, DE 19801