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Track Your Amazon Keyword Positions Instantly
Don’t let your sales take a hit — Monitor the rankings of your product keywords daily
and you will get:
Keyword Research
Listing Optimization
Keyword Tracking
Daily Keyword Searches
Listings Analyzed
Keyword Database
Stay Ahead of the Competition
with Daily Product Ranking Monitoring
Stay Ahead
of the Competition
with Daily Product Ranking Monitoring
Get daily updates on the keyword rankings, giving you the ability to take swift action to optimize your SEO and PPC strategies
Daily Keyword Tracking
Measure Effectiveness
Make data-driven decisions to optimize your product listings. Easily track the effectiveness of your keywords during your product launch phase and beyond.
Identify underperforming phrases organically and give them a boost with targeted PPC campaigns
Boost Performance
Competitive Insights
Know which of your competitors are gaining and which are losing traction in the market. Stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions about your own product listings.
3 easy steps to track keywords
How it works
You can monitor all of your listings in one place.
Select Product to Track
You can manually enter keywords into the platform or choose from our suggested.
Add Keywords
We will monitor keywords rankings on a daily basis, giving you insights into how your SEO and PPC strategies are performing.
Receive Data on a Daily Basis
Stories of our clients
What our customers say
3 of 3
Madeline Moore
Sellesta is a massive, massive time-saver. I think I optimized 20 or 30 ASIN very quickly, in no time at all.
It was very convenient to see new keyword phrases that I hadn't used in the listings and focus on adding the new ones.
Sellesta is
New York
Hailey Clark
I would definitely recommend. We used review analysis to create ad banners that focus on what customers really value in our products. It was also greate to analyze what exactly customers like or dislike in our competitng products
Kevin Green
I was stuck with tedious management of 200+ listings, manually switching between existing keyword tools and seller central, searching for selling keywords with lower competitive pressure, etc. Once I started working with, greater part of manual work was done since I could use AI to optimize my listings regularly
Best app!
1 of 3
New York
Madeline Moore
Sellesta is a massive, massive time-saver. I think I optimized 20 or 30 ASIN very quickly, in no time at all.
It was very convenient to see new keyword phrases that I hadn't used in the listings and focus on adding the new ones.
Sellesta is
2 of 3
Crazy Town
Hailey Clark
I would definitely recommend. We used review analysis to create ad banners that focus on what customers really value in our products. It was also greate to analyze what exactly customers like or dislike in our competitng products
3 of 3
Kevin Green
I was stuck with tedious management of 200+ listings, manually switching between existing keyword tools and seller central, searching for selling keywords with lower competitive pressure, etc. Once I started working with, greater part of manual work was done since I could use AI to optimize my listings regularly
Best app!
Don't wait another day to take control of your Amazon business
Start tracking your keyword rankings with ease
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49, Yerevan, Armenia
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington,
DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49,
Yerevan, Armenia