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Find great keywords for Amazon listings
Paste an Amazon listing URL below…
and you will get:
Daily Keyword Searches
Listings Analyzed
Keyword Database
4 easy steps to improve product description
How it works
We’ll analyze a listing and will show hundreds of keyword phrases with key metrics, such as search volume, relevance, keyword density and many more.
Paste a listing URL or an ASIN
Look through the keywords and unclick those that you would prefer to exclude. Sort keywords by their: relevance, monthly search volume, average price of product that rank on top 1 page for this keyword and many more.
generated keywords
Use advanced filter to speed up keyword research
Continue improving your listing with our optimizer to get the best organic rank.
the listings with AI
Stories of our clients
What our customers say
3 of 3
Madeline Moore helped me to identify sales growth points for our listings. We used automatic text generation to speed up the process of creating new, optimal listings and simultaneously increased organic traffic to existing ones by 20%
Sellesta is
Crazy Town
Hailey Clark
I would definitely recommend. We used review analysis to create ad banners that focus on what customers really value in our products. It was also greate to analyze what exactly customers like or dislike in our competitng products
Kevin Green
I was stuck with tedious management of 200+ listings, manually switching between existing keyword tools and seller central, searching for selling keywords with lower competitive pressure, etc. Once I started working with, greater part of manual work was done by the AI and I was finally able to focus on more strategic tasks
Best app!
1 of 3
Madeline Moore helped me to identify sales growth points for our listings. We used automatic text generation to speed up the process of creating new, optimal listings and simultaneously increased organic traffic to existing ones by 20%
Sellesta is
2 of 3
Crazy Town
Hailey Clark
I would definitely recommend. We used review analysis to create ad banners that focus on what customers really value in our products. It was also greate to analyze what exactly customers like or dislike in our competitng products
3 of 3
Kevin Green
I was stuck with tedious management of 200+ listings, manually switching between existing keyword tools and seller central, searching for selling keywords with lower competitive pressure, etc. Once I started working with, greater part of manual work was done by the AI and I was finally able to focus on more strategic tasks
Best app!
Try Now
Find out how you can increase your Amazon sales
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49, Yerevan, Armenia
1209 N Orange St, Wilmington,
DE 19801, USA
Arshakunyats avenue, 42-49,
Yerevan, Armenia
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